Dealing with webassembly ======================== In this tutorial we will see the possible ways to use web assembly. Compiling wasm to native code ----------------------------- The first possible usage is to take a wasm module and compile it to native code. The idea is to take wasm code and compile it to native code. First lets create some wasm code by using wasmfiddle: .. code:: c int main() { return 42; } The wasm output of this is: .. code:: (module (table 0 funcref) (memory $0 1) (export "memory" (memory $0)) (export "main" (func $main)) (func $main (result i32) (i32.const 42) ) ) Download this wasm file from wasm fiddle to your local drive. Now you can compile it to for example native riscv code: .. code:: bash $ python -m ppci.cli.wasmcompile -v program.wasm -m riscv -O 2 -S $ cat f.out .section data .section code main: sw x1, -8(x2) sw x8, -12(x2) mv x8, x2 addi x2, x2, -12 addi x2, x2, 0 block1: addi x10, x0, 42 j main_epilog main_epilog: addi x2, x2, 0 addi x2, x2, 12 lw x8, -12(x2) lw x1, -8(x2) jalr x0,x1, 0 .align 4 In this example we compiled C code with one compiler to wasm and took this wasm and compiled it to riscv code using ppci. Please see :ref:`WebAssembly` for the python api for using webassembly.