Command line tools

This section describes the usage the commandline tools installed with ppci.

Take for example the stm32f4 blinky project. To build this project, run in the project folder:

$ cd examples/blinky
$ ppci-build

This command is used to construct build files.

Or specify the buildfile a the command line:

$ ppci-build -f examples/blinky/build.xml

Instead of relying on a build system, the c3 compiler can also be activated stand alone.

$ ppci-c3c --machine arm examples/snake/game.c3


C3 compiler.

Use this compiler to produce object files from c3 sources and c3 includes. C3 includes have the same format as c3 source files, but do not result in any code.

usage: ppci-c3c [-h] [--log log-level] [--report report-file]
                [--html-report html-report-file]
                [--text-report text-report-file] [--verbose] [--version]
                [--machine {arm,avr,example,m68k,mcs6500,microblaze,mips,msp430,or1k,riscv,stm8,x86_64,xtensa}]
                [--mtune option] [--output output-file] [-g] [-S] [--ir]
                [--wasm] [--pycode] [-O {0,1,2,s}] [--instrument-functions]
                [-i include]
                source [source ...]

source file

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--log <log-level>

Log level (info,debug,warn)


Specify a file to write the compile report to


Write html report file


Write a report into a text file

--verbose, -v

Increase verbosity of the output

--version, -V

Display version and exit


Drop into post mortem pudb session on crash

--machine, -m

target architecture

--mtune <option>

architecture option

--output <output-file>, -o <output-file>

output file


create debug information


Do not assemble, but output assembly language


Output ppci ir-code, do not generate code


Output WASM (WebAssembly)


Output python code

-O {0,1,2,s}

optimize code


Instrument given functions

-i <include>, --include <include>

include file


Build utility.

Use this to execute build files.

usage: ppci-build [-h] [--log log-level] [--report report-file]
                  [--html-report html-report-file]
                  [--text-report text-report-file] [--verbose] [--version]
                  [--pudb] [-f build-file]
                  [target [target ...]]
-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--log <log-level>

Log level (info,debug,warn)


Specify a file to write the compile report to


Write html report file


Write a report into a text file

--verbose, -v

Increase verbosity of the output

--version, -V

Display version and exit


Drop into post mortem pudb session on crash

-f <build-file>, --buildfile <build-file>

use buildfile, otherwise build.xml is the default


Archive manager.

Create or update an archive. Or extract object files from the archive.

usage: ppci-archive [-h] [--log log-level] [--report report-file]
                    [--html-report html-report-file]
                    [--text-report text-report-file] [--verbose] [--version]
                    {create,display} ...
-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--log <log-level>

Log level (info,debug,warn)


Specify a file to write the compile report to


Write html report file


Write a report into a text file

--verbose, -v

Increase verbosity of the output

--version, -V

Display version and exit


Drop into post mortem pudb session on crash

ppci-archive create

usage: ppci-archive create [-h] archive [obj [obj ...]]

Archive filename.


the object to link

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

ppci-archive display

usage: ppci-archive display [-h] archive

Archive filename.

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


Assembler utility.
usage: ppci-asm [-h] [--log log-level] [--report report-file]
                [--html-report html-report-file]
                [--text-report text-report-file] [--verbose] [--version]
                [--machine {arm,avr,example,m68k,mcs6500,microblaze,mips,msp430,or1k,riscv,stm8,x86_64,xtensa}]
                [--mtune option] [--output output-file] [-g]

the source file to assemble

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--log <log-level>

Log level (info,debug,warn)


Specify a file to write the compile report to


Write html report file


Write a report into a text file

--verbose, -v

Increase verbosity of the output

--version, -V

Display version and exit


Drop into post mortem pudb session on crash

--machine, -m

target architecture

--mtune <option>

architecture option

--output <output-file>, -o <output-file>

output file

-g, --debug

create debug information



Use the linker to combine several object files and a memory layout to produce another resulting object file with images.

usage: ppci-ld [-h] [--log log-level] [--report report-file]
               [--html-report html-report-file]
               [--text-report text-report-file] [--verbose] [--version]
               [--pudb] [--output output-file] [--library library-filename]
               [--layout layout-file] [-g] [--relocatable] [--entry ENTRY]
               obj [obj ...]

the object to link

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--log <log-level>

Log level (info,debug,warn)


Specify a file to write the compile report to


Write html report file


Write a report into a text file

--verbose, -v

Increase verbosity of the output

--version, -V

Display version and exit


Drop into post mortem pudb session on crash

--output <output-file>, -o <output-file>

output file

--library <library-filename>

Add library to use when searching for symbols.

--layout <layout-file>, -L <layout-file>

memory layout


retain debug information

--relocatable, -r

Generate relocatable output

--entry <entry>, -e <entry>

Use entry as the starting symbol of execution of the program.


Objcopy utility to manipulate object files.
usage: ppci-objcopy [-h] [--log log-level] [--report report-file]
                    [--html-report html-report-file]
                    [--text-report text-report-file] [--verbose] [--version]
                    [--pudb] [--segment SEGMENT]
                    [--output-format OUTPUT_FORMAT]
                    input output

input file


output file

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--log <log-level>

Log level (info,debug,warn)


Specify a file to write the compile report to


Write html report file


Write a report into a text file

--verbose, -v

Increase verbosity of the output

--version, -V

Display version and exit


Drop into post mortem pudb session on crash

--segment <segment>, -S <segment>

segment to copy

--output-format <output_format>, -O <output_format>

output file format


Objdump utility to display the contents of object files.
usage: ppci-objdump [-h] [--log log-level] [--report report-file]
                    [--html-report html-report-file]
                    [--text-report text-report-file] [--verbose] [--version]
                    [--pudb] [-d]

object file

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--log <log-level>

Log level (info,debug,warn)


Specify a file to write the compile report to


Write html report file


Write a report into a text file

--verbose, -v

Increase verbosity of the output

--version, -V

Display version and exit


Drop into post mortem pudb session on crash

-d, --disassemble

Disassemble contents


usage: ppci-opt [-h] [--log log-level] [--report report-file]
                [--html-report html-report-file]
                [--text-report text-report-file] [--verbose] [--version]
                [--pudb] [-O O]
                input output

input file


output file

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--log <log-level>

Log level (info,debug,warn)


Specify a file to write the compile report to


Write html report file


Write a report into a text file

--verbose, -v

Increase verbosity of the output

--version, -V

Display version and exit


Drop into post mortem pudb session on crash

-O <o>

Optimization level


C compiler.

Use this compiler to compile C source code to machine code for different computer architectures.

usage: ppci-cc [-h] [--log log-level] [--report report-file]
               [--html-report html-report-file]
               [--text-report text-report-file] [--verbose] [--version]
               [--machine {arm,avr,example,m68k,mcs6500,microblaze,mips,msp430,or1k,riscv,stm8,x86_64,xtensa}]
               [--mtune option] [--output output-file] [-g] [-S] [--ir]
               [--wasm] [--pycode] [-O {0,1,2,s}] [--instrument-functions]
               [-I dir] [-D macro] [-U macro] [--include file] [--trigraphs]
               [--std {c89,c99}] [--super-verbose] [--freestanding] [-E] [-M]
               [--ast] [-c]
               source [source ...]

source file

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--log <log-level>

Log level (info,debug,warn)


Specify a file to write the compile report to


Write html report file


Write a report into a text file

--verbose, -v

Increase verbosity of the output

--version, -V

Display version and exit


Drop into post mortem pudb session on crash

--machine, -m

target architecture

--mtune <option>

architecture option

--output <output-file>, -o <output-file>

output file


create debug information


Do not assemble, but output assembly language


Output ppci ir-code, do not generate code


Output WASM (WebAssembly)


Output python code

-O {0,1,2,s}

optimize code


Instrument given functions

-I <dir>

Add directory to the include path

-D <macro>, --define <macro>

Define a macro

-U <macro>, --undefine <macro>

Undefine a macro

--include <file>

Include a file before all other sources


Enable trigraph processing

--std {c89,c99}

The C version you want to use


Add extra verbose output during C compilation


Compile in free standing mode.


Stop after preprocessing


Instead of preprocessing, emit a makefile rule with dependencies


Stop parsing and output the C abstract syntax tree (ast)


Compile, but do not link


Pascal compiler.

Compile pascal programs.

usage: ppci-pascal [-h] [--log log-level] [--report report-file]
                   [--html-report html-report-file]
                   [--text-report text-report-file] [--verbose] [--version]
                   [--machine {arm,avr,example,m68k,mcs6500,microblaze,mips,msp430,or1k,riscv,stm8,x86_64,xtensa}]
                   [--mtune option] [--output output-file] [-g] [-S] [--ir]
                   [--wasm] [--pycode] [-O {0,1,2,s}] [--instrument-functions]
                   source [source ...]

source file

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--log <log-level>

Log level (info,debug,warn)


Specify a file to write the compile report to


Write html report file


Write a report into a text file

--verbose, -v

Increase verbosity of the output

--version, -V

Display version and exit


Drop into post mortem pudb session on crash

--machine, -m

target architecture

--mtune <option>

architecture option

--output <output-file>, -o <output-file>

output file


create debug information


Do not assemble, but output assembly language


Output ppci ir-code, do not generate code


Output WASM (WebAssembly)


Output python code

-O {0,1,2,s}

optimize code


Instrument given functions


Compile python code statically
usage: ppci-pycompile [-h] [--log log-level] [--report report-file]
                      [--html-report html-report-file]
                      [--text-report text-report-file] [--verbose] [--version]
                      [--machine {arm,avr,example,m68k,mcs6500,microblaze,mips,msp430,or1k,riscv,stm8,x86_64,xtensa}]
                      [--mtune option] [--output output-file] [-g] [-S] [--ir]
                      [--wasm] [--pycode] [-O {0,1,2,s}]
                      source [source ...]

source file

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--log <log-level>

Log level (info,debug,warn)


Specify a file to write the compile report to


Write html report file


Write a report into a text file

--verbose, -v

Increase verbosity of the output

--version, -V

Display version and exit


Drop into post mortem pudb session on crash

--machine, -m

target architecture

--mtune <option>

architecture option

--output <output-file>, -o <output-file>

output file


create debug information


Do not assemble, but output assembly language


Output ppci ir-code, do not generate code


Output WASM (WebAssembly)


Output python code

-O {0,1,2,s}

optimize code


Instrument given functions


Clone of the famous readelf utility
usage: ppci-readelf [-h] [--log log-level] [--report report-file]
                    [--html-report html-report-file]
                    [--text-report text-report-file] [--verbose] [--version]
                    [--pudb] [-a] [--file-header] [-l] [-S] [-s] [-e]
                    [-x HEX_DUMP] [--debug-dump {rawline,}]

ELF file

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--log <log-level>

Log level (info,debug,warn)


Specify a file to write the compile report to


Write html report file


Write a report into a text file

--verbose, -v

Increase verbosity of the output

--version, -V

Display version and exit


Drop into post mortem pudb session on crash

-a, --all

Equivalent to: -h -l -S -s -r -d -V -A -I


Display the ELF file header

-l, --program-headers

Display the program headers

-S, --section-headers

Display the section headers

-s, --syms

Display the symbol table

-e, --headers

Equivalent to: –file-header -l -S

-x <hex_dump>, --hex-dump <hex_dump>

Dump contents of section as bytes

--debug-dump {rawline,}

Display contents of dwarf sections


Static web assembly compiler.

This command line tool takes web assembly to native code.

usage: ppci-wasmcompile [-h] [--log log-level] [--report report-file]
                        [--html-report html-report-file]
                        [--text-report text-report-file] [--verbose]
                        [--version] [--pudb]
                        [--machine {arm,avr,example,m68k,mcs6500,microblaze,mips,msp430,or1k,riscv,stm8,x86_64,xtensa}]
                        [--mtune option] [--output output-file] [-g] [-S]
                        [--ir] [--wasm] [--pycode] [-O {0,1,2,s}]
                        wasm file
wasm file

wasm file to compile

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--log <log-level>

Log level (info,debug,warn)


Specify a file to write the compile report to


Write html report file


Write a report into a text file

--verbose, -v

Increase verbosity of the output

--version, -V

Display version and exit


Drop into post mortem pudb session on crash

--machine, -m

target architecture

--mtune <option>

architecture option

--output <output-file>, -o <output-file>

output file


create debug information


Do not assemble, but output assembly language


Output ppci ir-code, do not generate code


Output WASM (WebAssembly)


Output python code

-O {0,1,2,s}

optimize code


Instrument given functions


Parser generator utility.

This script can generate a python script from a grammar description.

Invoke the script on a grammar specification file:

$ ppci-yacc test.x -o

And use the generated parser by deriving a user class:

import test_parser
class MyParser(test_parser.Parser):
p = MyParser()

Alternatively you can load the parser on the fly:

import yacc
parser_mod = yacc.load_as_module('mygrammar.x')
class MyParser(parser_mod.Parser):
p = MyParser()
usage: ppci-yacc [-h] [--log log-level] [--report report-file]
                 [--html-report html-report-file]
                 [--text-report text-report-file] [--verbose] [--version]
                 [--pudb] -o OUTPUT

the parser specification

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--log <log-level>

Log level (info,debug,warn)


Specify a file to write the compile report to


Write html report file


Write a report into a text file

--verbose, -v

Increase verbosity of the output

--version, -V

Display version and exit


Drop into post mortem pudb session on crash

-o <output>, --output <output>


Convert binary wasm to wasm text (WAT) format.
usage: ppci-wasm2wat [-h] [--log log-level] [--report report-file]
                     [--html-report html-report-file]
                     [--text-report text-report-file] [--verbose] [--version]
                     [--pudb] [-o wat file]
                     wasm file
wasm file

wasm file to read

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--log <log-level>

Log level (info,debug,warn)


Specify a file to write the compile report to


Write html report file


Write a report into a text file

--verbose, -v

Increase verbosity of the output

--version, -V

Display version and exit


Drop into post mortem pudb session on crash

-o <wat file>, --output <wat file>

File to write the WAT file to, default is stdout


Convert binary wasm to wasm text (WAT) format.
usage: ppci-wat2wasm [-h] [--log log-level] [--report report-file]
                     [--html-report html-report-file]
                     [--text-report text-report-file] [--verbose] [--version]
                     [--pudb] [-o wasm file]
                     wat file
wat file

wasm text file to read

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--log <log-level>

Log level (info,debug,warn)


Specify a file to write the compile report to


Write html report file


Write a report into a text file

--verbose, -v

Increase verbosity of the output

--version, -V

Display version and exit


Drop into post mortem pudb session on crash

-o <wasm file>, --output <wasm file>

File to write the binary wasm file to, default is stdout


Wasm binary toolkit (WABT)
usage: ppci-wabt [-h] [--log log-level] [--report report-file]
                 [--html-report html-report-file]
                 [--text-report text-report-file] [--verbose] [--version]
                 {wat2wasm,wasm2wat,show_interface,run} ...
-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--log <log-level>

Log level (info,debug,warn)


Specify a file to write the compile report to


Write html report file


Write a report into a text file

--verbose, -v

Increase verbosity of the output

--version, -V

Display version and exit


Drop into post mortem pudb session on crash

ppci-wabt run

usage: ppci-wabt run [-h] [--func-arg arg] [--target target]
                     [--function function_name]
                     wasm-file [arg [arg ...]]

wasm file to run


Command line argument to wasm accessible via WASI.

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--func-arg <arg>

Argument to wasm function

--target {native,python}

Which target to generate code for

--function <function_name>, -f <function_name>

Function to run. Overrides WASI _start function.

ppci-wabt show_interface

usage: ppci-wabt show_interface [-h] wasm-file

wasm file to read

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

ppci-wabt wasm2wat

usage: ppci-wabt wasm2wat [-h] [-o wat file] wasm file
wasm file

wasm file to read

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-o <wat file>, --output <wat file>

File to write the WAT file to, default is stdout

ppci-wabt wat2wasm

usage: ppci-wabt wat2wasm [-h] [-o wasm file] wat file
wat file

wasm text file to read

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-o <wasm file>, --output <wasm file>

File to write the binary wasm file to, default is stdout


OCaml utility.

Multiple usage possible, for example:

usage: ppci-ocaml [-h] [--log log-level] [--report report-file]
                  [--html-report html-report-file]
                  [--text-report text-report-file] [--verbose] [--version]
                  {disassemble,opt} ...
-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--log <log-level>

Log level (info,debug,warn)


Specify a file to write the compile report to


Write html report file


Write a report into a text file

--verbose, -v

Increase verbosity of the output

--version, -V

Display version and exit


Drop into post mortem pudb session on crash

ppci-ocaml disassemble

usage: ppci-ocaml disassemble [-h] bytecode-file

OCaml bytecode file to disassemble

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

ppci-ocaml opt

usage: ppci-ocaml opt [-h]
                      [--machine {arm,avr,example,m68k,mcs6500,microblaze,mips,msp430,or1k,riscv,stm8,x86_64,xtensa}]
                      [--mtune option] [--output output-file] [-g] [-S] [--ir]
                      [--wasm] [--pycode] [-O {0,1,2,s}]

OCaml bytecode file to disassemble

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--machine, -m

target architecture

--mtune <option>

architecture option

--output <output-file>, -o <output-file>

output file


create debug information


Do not assemble, but output assembly language


Output ppci ir-code, do not generate code


Output WASM (WebAssembly)


Output python code

-O {0,1,2,s}

optimize code


Instrument given functions


Java handling utility.
usage: ppci-java [-h] [--log log-level] [--report report-file]
                 [--html-report html-report-file]
                 [--text-report text-report-file] [--verbose] [--version]
                 {compile,javap,jar} ...
-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--log <log-level>

Log level (info,debug,warn)


Specify a file to write the compile report to


Write html report file


Write a report into a text file

--verbose, -v

Increase verbosity of the output

--version, -V

Display version and exit


Drop into post mortem pudb session on crash

ppci-java compile

usage: ppci-java compile [-h] [--output output-file] [-g] [-S] [--ir] [--wasm]
                         [--pycode] [-O {0,1,2,s}] [--instrument-functions]
                         [--machine {arm,avr,example,m68k,mcs6500,microblaze,mips,msp430,or1k,riscv,stm8,x86_64,xtensa}]
                         [--mtune option]
                         java class file
java class file

class file to compile

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--output <output-file>, -o <output-file>

output file


create debug information


Do not assemble, but output assembly language


Output ppci ir-code, do not generate code


Output WASM (WebAssembly)


Output python code

-O {0,1,2,s}

optimize code


Instrument given functions

--machine, -m

target architecture

--mtune <option>

architecture option

ppci-java jar

usage: ppci-java jar [-h] java jar file
java jar file

jar file to inspect

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

ppci-java javap

usage: ppci-java javap [-h] java class file
java class file

class file to inspect

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


hexfile manipulation tool by Windel Bouwman

usage: ppci-hexutil [-h] {info,new,merge} ...
-h, --help

show this help message and exit

ppci-hexutil info

usage: ppci-hexutil info [-h] hexfile
-h, --help

show this help message and exit

ppci-hexutil merge

usage: ppci-hexutil merge [-h] hexfile1 hexfile2 rhexfile

hexfile 1


hexfile 2


resulting hexfile

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

ppci-hexutil new

usage: ppci-hexutil new [-h] hexfile address datafile

hex address of the data


binary file to add

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


Display file contents in hexadecimal
usage: ppci-hexdump [-h] [--log log-level] [--report report-file]
                    [--html-report html-report-file]
                    [--text-report text-report-file] [--verbose] [--version]
                    [--pudb] [--width WIDTH]

File to dump contents of

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--log <log-level>

Log level (info,debug,warn)


Specify a file to write the compile report to


Write html report file


Write a report into a text file

--verbose, -v

Increase verbosity of the output

--version, -V

Display version and exit


Drop into post mortem pudb session on crash

--width <width>

Width of the hexdump.