Quickstart ========== Installation ------------ Install ppci in a `virtualenv`_ environment: .. _virtualenv: https://virtualenv.readthedocs.org/ .. code:: bash $ virtualenv sandbox $ source sandbox/bin/activate (sandbox) $ pip install ppci (sandbox) $ ppci-build.py -h If ppci installed correcly, you will get a help message. Download and unzip the examples bundle project here :download:`examples.zip`. stm32f4 example --------------- To build the blinky project do the following: .. code:: bash $ cd examples/blinky $ ppci-build.py Flash the hexfile using your flashtool of choice on the stm32f4discovery board and enjoy the magic. arduino example --------------- To build and the arduino blink led example, follow the following commands: .. code:: bash $ cd examples/arduino $ ppci-build.py $ avrdude -v -P /dev/ttyACM0 -c arduino -p m328p -U flash:w:blinky.hex x86_64 example -------------- Linux ~~~~~ Instead of for a board you can compile into a native linux binary: .. code:: bash $ cd examples/linux64/hello $ ppci-build.py $ ./hello Or run the snake demo under linux natively instead of on qemu: .. code:: bash $ cd examples/linux64/snake $ ppci-build.py $ ./snake Windows ~~~~~~~ TODO Mac ~~~ TODO msp430 example -------------- Flash program: http://www.ti.com/tool/msp430-flasher