
This chapter descibes how to develop on ppci.


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Source code

The sourcecode of the project is located at these repositories:

To check out the latest code and work use the development version use these commands to checkout the source code and setup ppci such that you can use it without having to setup your python path.

$ mkdir HG
$ cd HG
$ hg clone
$ cd ppci
$ sudo python develop

Continuous integration

The compiler is tested for linux:

and for windows:

Code metrics

Code coverage is reported to the codecov service:

Other code metrics are listed at openhub:

Running the testsuite

To run the unit tests with the compiler, use pytest:

$ python -m pytest -v test/

Or use the unittest module:

$ python -m unittest discover -s test

In order to test ppci versus different versions of python, tox is used. To run tox, simply run in the root directory:

$ tox

Building the docs

The docs can be build locally by using sphinx. Sphinx can be invoked directly:

$ export PYTHONPATH=your_ppci_root
$ cd docs
$ sphinx-build -b html . build

Alternatively the tox docs environment can be used:

$ tox -e docs

Release procedure

Make sure all tests pass before a release.

Package and upload the python package with:

$ hg update release
$ hg merge default
# Check version number
$ tox
$ hg tag x.y.z
$ hg update x.y.z
$ python sdist upload
$ hg update default
$ hg merge release

Increase the version number.