.. currentmodule:: ppci.lang.c C compiler ========== This page describes the design of the C compiler. If you want to use the compiler, please see :ref:`ppci-cc` or :func:`ppci.api.cc`. Overview -------- .. graphviz:: digraph x { codegen [label="code generator" ] source -> lexer [label="text"] lexer -> preprocessor [label="tokens"] preprocessor -> parser [label="tokens"] preprocessor -> source [label="include"] parser -> semantics [label="callback functions"] semantics -> scope semantics -> codegen [label="parsed program (AST)"] } The C compilers task is to take C code, and produce intermediate code for the backend. The first step is pre processing, during which a sequence of tokens is transformed into another sequence of tokens. Next comes parsing and code generation. There are two options here: split the parser and code generation passes, such that there is a clean seperation, or do it all at once. Maybe the best choice is to do it all in one pass, and transform a sequence of tokens into IR-code in a single go. Pre-processor ------------- The preprocessor is a strange thing. It must handle trigraphs, backslash newlines and macros. The top level design of the preprocessor is the following: - Context: Contains state that would be global otherwise. - :class:`CLexer`: processes a raw file into a sequence of tokens - Preprocessor: takes the token sequence a does macro expansion, resulting in another stream of tokens. - Output: The token stream maybe outputted to file. - Feed to compiler: The token stream might be fed into the rest of the compiler. C compiler ---------- The c compiler consists of the classical stages: parsing and codegeneration. Code generation is done to ir-code. Parsing ~~~~~~~ The C parsing is done by two classes :class:`CParser` and :class:`CSemantics`. CParser is a recursive descent parser. It dances a tight dance with the CSemantics class. This idea is taken from the Clang project. The CParser takes a token sequence from the preprocessor and matches the C syntax. Whenever a valid C construct is found, it calls the corresponding function on the CSemantics class. The semantics class keeps track of the current scope and records the global declarations. It also check types and lvalues of expressions. At the end of parsing and this type checking, an abstract syntax tree (AST) is build up. This AST is type checked and variables are resolved. This AST can be used for several purposes, for example static code analysis or style checking. It is also possible to generate C code again from this AST. L-values ~~~~~~~~ The semantics class determines for each expression node whether it is an lvalue or not. The lvalue (short for location value) indicates whether the expression has a memory address, or is a value in a register. Basically it boils down to: can we take the address of this expression with the '&' operator. Numeric literals and the results of addition are not lvalues. Variables are lvalues. The lvalue property is used during code generation to check whether the value must be loaded from memory or not. Types ~~~~~ Hosted vs freestanding ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A C compiler can be hosted or freestanding. The difference between those two is that a hosted C compiler also provides the standard C library. A freestanding compiler only contains a few really required header files. As a result a hosted compiler is really a combination of a C compiler and a C standard library implementation. Also, the standard library depends on the operating system which is used, where as a freestanding C compiler can be used independent of operating system. Writing an application using a hosted compiler is easier since the standard library is available. .. graphviz:: digraph x { hosted [label="Hosted C application"] freestanding [label="Freestanding C application"] os [label="Operating system"] libc [label="C standard library"] compiler [label="C compiler"] hosted -> libc freestanding -> compiler libc -> os libc -> compiler } Code generation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Code generation takes the AST as a whole and loops over all its elements and generates the corresponding IR-code snippets from it. At the end of code generation, there is an IR module which can be feed into the optimizers or code generators. C classes --------- The C frontend can be used to generate an AST from C code. You can use it to parse C code and analyze its structure like this: .. doctest:: >>> from ppci.api import get_arch >>> from ppci.lang.c import create_ast >>> src = "int a, *b;" >>> ast = create_ast(src, get_arch('msp430').info) >>> ast Compilation unit with 2 declarations >>> from ppci.lang.c import CAstPrinter >>> printer = CAstPrinter() >>> printer.print(ast) Compilation unit with 2 declarations Variable [storage=None typ=Basic type int name=a] Basic type int Variable [storage=None typ=Pointer-type name=b] Pointer-type Basic type int >>> ast.declarations[0].name 'a' Module reference ---------------- .. automodule:: ppci.lang.c :members: Uml --- .. uml:: ppci.lang.c.nodes.types .. uml:: ppci.lang.c.nodes.expressions .. uml:: ppci.lang.c.nodes.statements .. uml:: ppci.lang.c.nodes.declarations References ---------- This section contains some links to other compilers. These were used to draw inspiration from. In the spirit of: it is better to steal ideas then invent something bad yourself :). Other C compilers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A c99 frontend for libfirm: https://github.com/libfirm/cparser tcc tcc: tiny c compiler This compiler is tiny and uses a single pass to parse and generate code. lcc https://github.com/drh/lcc This compiler does parsing and type checking in one go. cdt CDT is an eclipse c/c++ ide. http://wiki.eclipse.org/CDT/designs/Overview_of_Parsing Good resources about preprocessors ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cpp internal description: https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/cppinternals/ A portable C preprocessor: http://mcpp.sourceforge.net The boost wave preprocessor: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_63_0/libs/wave/ A java implementation of the preprocessor: http://www.anarres.org/projects/jcpp/ https://github.com/shevek/jcpp CDT preprocessor: http://git.eclipse.org/c/cdt/org.eclipse.cdt.git/tree/core/org.eclipse.cdt.core/parser/org/eclipse/cdt/internal/core/parser/scanner/CPreprocessor.java The lcc preprocessor part: https://github.com/drh/lcc/blob/master/cpp/cpp.h