.. _wasm: Web Assembly ============ Web Assembly (wasm) is a portable binary format designed for the web. http://webassembly.org/ Creating a wasm module ---------------------- A WASM :class:`Module ` can be created from its text representation, a corresponding tuple structure, a bytes object or binary file, or from another Module object: .. doctest:: wasm >>> from ppci import wasm >>> code = '(module (func $truth (result i32) (i32.const 42) (return)))' >>> m1 = wasm.Module(code) >>> m2 = wasm.Module(m1.to_bytes()) The :func:`read_wasm() ` function is a thin wrapper around the Module constructor. Exporting a wasm module ----------------------- A wasm module can be exported to text or binary form: .. doctest:: wasm >>> code = '(module (func $truth (result i32) (i32.const 42) (return)))' >>> m = wasm.Module(code) >>> m.to_string() '(module\n (type $0 (func (result i32)))\n (func $truth (type $0)\n i32.const 42\n return)\n)\n' >>> m.to_bytes() b'\x00asm\x01\x00\x00\x00\x01\x05\x01`\x00\x01\x7f\x03\x02\x01\x00\n\x07\x01\x05\x00A*\x0f\x0b' And can also be "displayed" in these forms: .. doctest:: wasm >>> m.show() (module (type $0 (func (result i32))) (func $truth (type $0) i32.const 42 return) ) >>> m.show_bytes() 00000000 00 61 73 6d 01 00 00 00 01 05 01 60 00 01 7f 03 |.asm.......`....| 00000010 02 01 00 0a 07 01 05 00 41 2a 0f 0b |........A*..| Running wasm ------------ Wasm can be executed in node: .. code-block:: python wasm.run_wasm_in_node(m) Or in the browser by exporing an html file: .. code-block:: python wasm.export_wasm_example('~/wasm.html', code, m) Inside a jupyter notebook, the WASM can be run directly: .. code-block:: python wasm.run_wasm_in_notebook(m) Running in the Python process: .. doctest:: wasm >>> code = '(module (func (export truth) (result i32) (i32.const 42) (return)))' >>> m1 = wasm.Module(code) >>> imports = {} # Python function imports can be added here >>> loaded = wasm.instantiate(m1, imports) >>> loaded.exports.truth() 42 Converting between wasm and ir ------------------------------ With the :py:func:`ppci.wasm.wasm_to_ir` class it is possible to translate wasm code to ir-code. It is also possible to translate ir-code into wasm with the :py:func:`ppci.wasm.ir_to_wasm` function. This allows, for instance, running C3 on the web, or Web Assembly on a microprocessor. The basic functionality is there, but more work is needed e.g. a stdlib for this functionality to be generally useful. .. doctest:: wasm >>> from ppci import wasm >>> from ppci.wasm.arch import WasmArchitecture >>> code = '(module (func $truth (result i32) (i32.const 42) (return)))' >>> m1 = wasm.Module(code) >>> arch = WasmArchitecture() >>> ir = wasm.wasm_to_ir(m1, arch.info.get_type_info('ptr')) >>> m2 = wasm.ir_to_wasm(ir) Module reference ---------------- .. automodule:: ppci.wasm :members: