

Using pip

Install ppci in a virtualenv environment:

$ virtualenv sandbox
$ source sandbox/bin/activate
(sandbox) $ pip install ppci
(sandbox) $ ppci-build -h

If ppci installed correcly, you will get a help message of the ppci-build commandline tool.


Alternatively you can download a zip package from PyPI or from GitHub. Unpack the source archive and open a console in this directory.

$ virtualenv sandbox
$ source sandbox/bin/activate
(sandbox) $ git clone https://github.com/windelbouwman/ppci.git
(sandbox) $ cd ppci
(sandbox) $ python setup.py install
(sandbox) $ ppci-build -h

If ppci installed correcly, you will get a help message of the ppci-build commandline tool.

Compile some code!

Now lets compile some code via the high level api functions:

>>> import io
>>> from ppci.api import cc, get_arch
>>> source = "int add(int a, int b) { return a + b; }"
>>> f = io.StringIO(source)
>>> obj = cc(f, get_arch('arm'))
>>> obj
CodeObject of 48 bytes

Let review what we have just done:

  • We defined a simple add function in C
  • We compiled this with the ppci.api.cc() function to arm object code

Example projects

The examples folder in the ppci sourcecode contains some demo projects that can be built using PPCI.

stm32f4 example

To build the blinky project do the following:

$ cd examples/blinky
$ ppci-build

Flash the hexfile using your flashtool of choice on the stm32f4discovery board and enjoy the magic.

arduino example

To build and flash the arduino blink led example, use the following commands:

$ cd examples/avr/arduino-blinky
$ ppci-build
$ avrdude -v -P /dev/ttyACM0 -c arduino -p m328p -U flash:w:blinky.hex

Linux x86_64 example

To build the hello world for 64-bit linux, go here:

$ cd examples/linux64/hello
$ ppci-build
$ ./hello

Or run the snake demo under linux:

$ cd examples/linux64/snake
$ ppci-build
$ ./snake

Next steps

If you have checked out the examples, head over to the howto, api and reference sections to learn more!