
Debugging tests

To debug test cases, a handy trick is to use pudb (when not using fancy ide like vscode or pycharm). To do this, specify the debugger to use with pytest like this:

$ pytest -v --pdb --pdbcls pudb.debugger:Debugger --capture=no

Debugging dynamic code

Sometimes, the python interpreter might crash due to playing with dynamically injected code. To debug this, we can use gdb for example.

$ gdb --args python
(gdb) run

Once the program crashes, one can disassemble and print info:

(gdb) bt
(gdb) disassemble /r 0x7fff000, 0x7fff200
(gdb) info registers

Debugging python code

Alternatively, when facing a python exception, one might want to try the pudb debugger like this:

$ python -m pudb

Debugging sample snippets

The folder test/samples contains sample snippets of code with corresponding output. Those samples are compiled and run during testing. If one of those samples fails, troubleshooting begins.

There are several approaches to pinpoint the issue:

  • Examination of the compilation report. Each test case generates a HTML report with detailed information about the compilation steps. This can be handy to determine where the process generated wrong code.
  • Run the sample binary with QEMU. This involves stepping through the generated binary and keeping an eye on register and memory values.

Debugging with QEMU

Qemu has a mode in which it will dump very detailed information about each instruction executed.

Use the following line to get a whole lot of info:

$ qemu-system-or1k -D trace.txt -d in_asm,exec,int,op_opt,cpu -singlestep

Note the -singlestep option here will execute every single instruction at a time.

This can produce helpful instruction tracing like this:

0x00000100:  l.j       2

OP after optimization and liveness analysis:
ld_i32 tmp0,env,$0xfffffffffffffff0      dead: 1  pref=0xffff
movi_i32 tmp1,$0x0                       pref=0xffff
brcond_i32 tmp0,tmp1,lt,$L0              dead: 0 1

---- 00000100 00000000
movi_i32 jmp_pc,$0x108                   sync: 0  dead: 0  pref=0xffff
movi_i32 dflag,$0x1                      sync: 0  dead: 0  pref=0xffff
movi_i32 ppc,$0x100                      sync: 0  dead: 0  pref=0xffff
goto_tb $0x0
movi_i32 pc,$0x104                       sync: 0  dead: 0  pref=0xffff
exit_tb $0x7fc8a8300040
set_label $L0
exit_tb $0x7fc8a8300043

Trace 0: 0x7fc8a8300100 [00000000/00000100/0x5]
R00=00000000 R01=00000000 R02=00000000 R03=00000000
R04=00000000 R05=00000000 R06=00000000 R07=00000000
R08=00000000 R09=00000000 R10=00000000 R11=00000000
R12=00000000 R13=00000000 R14=00000000 R15=00000000
R16=00000000 R17=00000000 R18=00000000 R19=00000000
R20=00000000 R21=00000000 R22=00000000 R23=00000000
R24=00000000 R25=00000000 R26=00000000 R27=00000000
R28=00000000 R29=00000000 R30=00000000 R31=00000000
0x00000104:  l.nop

OP after optimization and liveness analysis:
ld_i32 tmp0,env,$0xfffffffffffffff0      dead: 1  pref=0xffff
movi_i32 tmp1,$0x0                       pref=0xffff
brcond_i32 tmp0,tmp1,lt,$L0              dead: 0 1

---- 00000104 00000001
movi_i32 dflag,$0x0                      sync: 0  dead: 0  pref=0xffff
movi_i32 ppc,$0x104                      sync: 0  dead: 0  pref=0xffff
mov_i32 pc,jmp_pc                        sync: 0  dead: 0 1  pref=0xffff
discard jmp_pc                           pref=none
call lookup_tb_ptr,$0x6,$1,tmp2,env      dead: 1  pref=none
goto_ptr tmp2                            dead: 0
set_label $L0
exit_tb $0x7fc8a8300183

Linking TBs 0x7fc8a8300100 [00000100] index 0 -> 0x7fc8a8300240 [00000104]
Trace 0: 0x7fc8a8300240 [00000000/00000104/0x7]
R00=00000000 R01=00000000 R02=00000000 R03=00000000
R04=00000000 R05=00000000 R06=00000000 R07=00000000
R08=00000000 R09=00000000 R10=00000000 R11=00000000
R12=00000000 R13=00000000 R14=00000000 R15=00000000
R16=00000000 R17=00000000 R18=00000000 R19=00000000
R20=00000000 R21=00000000 R22=00000000 R23=00000000
R24=00000000 R25=00000000 R26=00000000 R27=00000000
R28=00000000 R29=00000000 R30=00000000 R31=00000000